“In a magnificent processsion here are gathered for eternity the most distinguished Alpine glories as nowhere else on Velebit, in such multitude, on such altitude and in a relatively small space.” Dr. Ivan Krajač, 1930.
Dear visitors!
While for mountains we say that we want to conquer them, the Velebit is a mountain that conquers its visitors. We hope you will let yourself be captured by the beauty of our National Park - Northern Velebit. All your efforts invested in coming to Northern Velebit will be rewarded manifold with stunning natural beauties and spectacular views of the sea and islands that are afforded from mountain peaks. Northern Velebit is an ideal destination for all those who prefer active holidays and recreation in intact natural surroundings where you can experience the charm of pristine wilderness. Cycling, hiking, taking photos – we leave the choice of activity to you.
Among the best known localities in the Park are Zavižan, the Velebit Botanical Garden, the Premužić Trail, Štirovača, Alan, Lubenovac. There is also a host of other attractive locations – we let you discover them on your own! We have developed a number of educational programmes for children and adults and installed information boards along several mountain trails and paths to make your visit to the Park more interesting and to help you learn more about the natural and cultural heritage of the area.
The catering offer in the Park is quite modest with accommodation provided in mountain huts, however, the nearby towns (Krasno, Senj, Jablanac, Otočac) offer a wide variety of accommodation and restaurants to sample the local cuisine.
Northern Velebit being a mountain park, the visiting season depends on the snow cover on the mountain peaks. The Park is normally open to visitors from the beginning of May till the end of November. When planning your visit to Northern Velebit, be sure to inform yourself about road and mountain path conditions and to read our tips and recommendations for your own safety.
This is an exceptionally valuable and delicate natural environment, so please take nothing from nature other than what your camera or your memory can capture.