The National Park is organized in several departments:
- Office of the Director general
- National Park Conservation, Promotion and Use Department
- Ranger and Technical Services Department
- General and Joint Services Department
Office of the Director General
Office of the Director General is responsible for all administrative, specialist and protocol-related activities of the Director General as well as correspondence with state and local government bodies and other natural and legal entities.
Irena Glavičić Sertić, graduated economist – director general
National Park Conservation, Promotion and Use Department
National Park Conservation, Promotion and Use Department performs tasks related to preparation and implementation of the Management Plan, annual Protection, Maintenance, Preservation and Utilization Programs, and it also takes care of Program-related investments. The Department organizes and coordinates scientific and specialist work, databases and GIS on the Park’s natural and cultural values, it sets up and implements monitoring of the Park’s living and inanimate nature, develops and carries out programs in connection with visiting, promotion, education and interpretation systems and performs other specialist tasks. The Conservation Department employs five staff members and is lead by the conservation manager.
Katarina Blažević, B.Sc. agronomy, Professional Manager
Dubravka Kljajo, graduated engineer of geology, master of economy – senior expert advisor – geologist
Irena Krušić Tomaić, graduated engineer of forestry – expert advisor – forester
Vedran Katalinić, graduated economist – expert advisor for promotion
Franka Grbavac, mag. oecol. et prot. nat – expert associate - botanist
Davor Krmpotić, graduated engineer of forestry - expert associate - educator
Marija Kragić, mag. biol. et oecol. mar. - expert associate - educator
Darko Devčić, informer of III. degree
Filip Nekić, informer of III. degree
Ranger and Technical Services Department
Ranger and Technical Services Department is responsible for direct supervision and control of implementation of protection activities in the Park. The Department staff is also involved in tasks related to drawing up of project and technical documents, maintenance of the Park’s infrastructure, movable and immovable property. They participate in development and implementation of the Management Plan and annual programs and provide a significant technical and on-site support in implementing scientific and specialist research and monitoring projects, setting up of databases and other similar tasks. The Ranger Department employs six people and is led by the Head Ranger.
Ljiljana Tonković – head of Department
Ivica Krmpotić – ranger of the III. kind
Adam Rukavina - ranger of the III. kind
Vladimir Lopac - ranger of the III. kind
Alen Nekić – ranger of the III. kind
Davor Ažić – technical staff
General and Joint Services Department
General and Joint Services Department is in charge of administrative, human resources and legal affairs, finances, bookkeeping and accounting as well as cleaning of the National Park’s administrative offices and certain public areas. The Department employs three staff members.
Renata Devčić, graduated economist – head of Department
Ana Lopac Papić – secretary of Institution