Entrance Babić Siča: closed



The legal basis for the operation of the National Park is the Nature Protection Act. All important provisions for management of the Park’s territory are derived from this act.

In the Nature Protection Act, a “national park” is defined as follows:

„…a large, predominantly unmodified land and/or sea area of outstanding and multiple natural values. It includes one or more conserved or slightly modified ecosystems and is primarily intended for conservation of the intact natural values. A national park has scientific, cultural, educational and recreational purposes. In a national park only those activities are permitted that do not pose any threat to the authenticity of nature. In a national park all economic use of natural resources is prohibited.”

Northern Velebit National Park Public Institution's Documents:

  • Financijski plan 2019. (PDF 408 kb)

  • Financijski plan 2018. I. izmjena (PDF 429 kb)

  • Financijski izvještaji za 2017. godinu (PDF 1,2 MB)

  • Godišnji program zaštite, održavanja, očuvanja, promicanja i korištenja Nacionalnog parka Sjeverni Velebit za 2018. godinu (PDF 1,5 MB)

  • Odluka o usvajanju Financijskog plana Javne ustanove "Nacionalni park Sjeverni Velebit" za 2018. godinu (PDF 300 KB)

  • Odluka o donošenju Godišnjeg programa zaštite, održavanja, očuvanja, promicanja i korištenja Nacionalnog parka Sjeverni Velebit za 2018. godinu (PDF 250 KB)

  • Odluka o prihvaćanju izmjene i dopune Financijskog plana Javne ustanove "Nacionalni park Sjeverni Velebit" za 2017. godinu (PDF 220 KB)

  • NPSV Rebalans 2 za 2017. godinu (PDF 120 KB)

  • NPSV Proračun 2018-2020 (PDF 72 KB)

  • NPSV Proračun 2018-2020 rashodi (PDF 200 KB)

  • Northern Velebit National park Physical plan (in Croatian) (NN 35/12 )

  • National Park Northern Velebit Management Plan (PDF 6,5 MB)

  • Public Institution's Charter (PDF 5,6 MB)

  • Public Institution's Internal Structure and Operating rules (PDF 424 kb)

  • Public Institution's Labour Regulations (in the making)

General legislation:

  • Strategy and Action Plan for the Protection of Biological and Landscape diversity of the Republic of Croatia (NN 143/08 )

  • Nature Protection Act (NN 80/13 )

  • Northern Velebit National Park Proclamation Act (NN 58/99 )

  • Regulation on establishment of the Northern Velebit National Park Public Institution (NN 96/99 )

  • Ordinance on the proclamation of protected and strictly protected wild taxa (NN 99/09 )

  • Ordinance on kinds of habitat types, habitats map, threatened and rare habitat types and on measures for conservation of habitat types (NN 7/06 , NN 119/09 )

  • Regulation on Proclamation of the Ecological Network (NN 124/2013 )

Other regulations pertaining to environmental protection can be found on the web pages of the Ministry of Environmental and Nature Protection and the National Institute for Nature Protection.