Entrance Babić Siča: closed


Collaborators and Associates

Our work would not be possible without collaboration with numerous institutions, individuals and associations. The National Park works together with many associates and collaborating organizations – scientific and specialist institutions, national and local associations, government agencies and funds, educational organizations, ministries and other government bodies, local and regional self-government authorities, tourism associations, travel agencies, other protected areas, individuals, companies and the local population.

As we are aware that an area of pristine, untouched nature such as the Northern Velebit National Park can only be conserved by a joint effort, we invite all persons and organizations interested in any form of cooperation to contact us. The National Park is an ideal venue for field classes for elementary and secondary school students and college students of different fields of study – from natural sciences such as biology, geology, geography or forestry to landscaping, sociology, ethnography, tourism, management etc. We provide guided tours and assistance to special groups upon request (scientist, journalists etc.) as well as logistic support to teams working on scientific and specialist field research projects



These are just some of our associates:


State government, local and regional self-government bodies


Scientific and expert institutions and organisations


Funds, organisations, companies and public institutions


Tourism sector

Local organisations, economy and tourism subjects